The Principal’s Message For 2024 Academic Year

Sisekelo’s 2024 Theme: “Team Work Makes the Dream Work”

Welcome back to another exciting school year at Sisekelo. As we embark on this new academic journey together, I want to welcome both familiar faces and the new members of our school community. The start of a new year is a time of renewal and many fresh starts, a chance to set new goals, forge new friendships, and navigate uncharted territories of knowledge and personal growth.

In 2024 we want to embrace the countless opportunities that await us. We want to harness every gift that is at our disposal. We want to achieve everything beyond our wildest expectations. We want to excel in everything we put our hands on.

Our focus theme this year is, ‘’Teamwork makes the dream work’’. Dreams are impossible alone, life is impossible alone, winning is impossible alone. We need each other. Working together is much more productive than working in isolation. We want every student to feel empowered to take risks, learn from setbacks, and celebrate achievements, both big and small.

In 2024, let us join hands and work together Sisekelo. Lets win together, lets fight together, let us face the challenges together, let us set our targets together, let us pursue success together.
Our identity is at the core of who we are and what we stand for.
Sisekelo’s Vision, we identify ourselves as “An international centre of educational excellence in Africa, empowering students to become leading global citizens”.

Sisekelo’s Mission is to provide an exceptional holistic education encompassing the academic, cultural, sports and pertinent social needs of all learners”.

Our core values enable us to lead authentic lives, making decisions that resonate with our beliefs and aspirations. These are:

  •  Teamwork : It is our conviction that through collaborating with each other, and partnering with our stakeholders, while being empathetic, we can deliver on the school’s mandate.
  • Integrity : We firmly commit to conducting ourselves in ethical, moral, honest, honourable, and transparent ways, at all times.
  • Respect : We uphold respect for each other, as educators, for our learners, for parents, and for all the school’s key stakeholders that we interface with from time to time.
  • Accountability : We strive to honour our commitments, and comply with legislative, good practice standards and/or requirements.
  • 2024, lets embrace our values, they are the essence of who we are, shaping our character and influencing our choices. Lets together make everyone’s stay in this school pleasant and memorable.

I wish you all a fruitful and an exciting year!

Learning Facilities

Sisekelo provides effective learning facilities in response to the changing programs of educational delivery, and at a minimum the school provides a physical environment that is comfortable, safe, secure, accessible, well illuminated, well ventilated, and aesthetically pleasing. The facility also includes furnishings, science equipment , ICT Centre and Engineering CAD Centre, as well as various aspects of the building grounds, namely, athletic fields, playgrounds and areas for outdoor learning. Internet access around the school. Students are allowed to connect to the school WIFI with their own devices. The Sisekelo school facility is much more than a passive container of the educational process: they are an integral component of the conditions of learning. The layout and design of the Sisekelo facility contributes to the place experience of students, educators, and community members.

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